Friday, August 1, 2008

Why a Blog, why now? Well… Why Not!

This would seem to be the ultimate question. I’ve been mulling over this idea for months now. I was part of a four person team a few years back that tried to have a cutting edge, funny and insightful blog. The pressure was too much for me and I never hardly contributed and the blog fell in to a great abyss of lost blogs. To say the least the experience has haunted me but never being one to give up or doubt myself, I have waited for the chance to at long last get into the whole blogging world. Perhaps it is being a bit more settled down now and feeling the need to share my thoughts (which I often do and can at times to put people on edge), perhaps I am inspired by some of my friends blogs ( or perhaps I am getting the chance to meet people who keep really, really cool blogs that I find both interesting and insightful. Of course wedding blogs & baby blogs seemingly pop up with every new announcement…which is very exciting but allows by blogging failure to continuously pop back into my head. The business side of me gets the chance to meet really great business minds in technology and “cutting edge” fields, whether it’s the next great medical breakthrough company or a so-called Web 2.0 company starting in Boulder. Everyone blogs and as a late-adapter to technology, I now feel the water has been warmed up and it’s my time to jump in (finally)!

A bit about me…
I’m starting an Evening MBA program this fall, so I’m sure my work load, time management and stress levels will be crazy and all over the board! So what better time to start a blog! I should have an extra hour a week to put together blogs, thoughts, opinions and of course insight to today’s world. If nothing else this may turn into my “Dear Diary” on some days as well as “Dear What the Fuck” on other occasions. I’m going to look at it as therapy, a way to practice my writing skills for Grad school and life as well as a forum to comment on my passions (mainly sports, personal health & well being as well as commentary on the world). I’ve also begun to realize how quickly life comes at you and goes by. I met a great girl over 3 years ago, fell in love, got married, moved cross country, bought a house, then got a puppy and sometimes it’s hard to keep up with our busy life. We feel truly blessed and when appropriate I will tell tales from our life (as we always seem to find them pretty entertaining). Perhaps blogging is a great way to slow down and life and stop to smell the roses, or in my case, smell the coffee… we shall see.

So, feel free to check back in early and often and I will work to keep this puppy going as regularly as possible!

Godspeed – for a prosperous journey, success, and good fortune in life

- Ryan

CU Buffs