Thursday, April 16, 2009

Update at our house...

Dylan is doing really well. We had a doctor appointment with his pediatrician on Tuesday. He weighed in at 4 lbs, 11 ounces - this is a 4 ounce gain in 3.5 days from when he was discharged on Saturday. This is GREAT news and made us feel much better on his progress as the doctor wanted him to gain 0.5 to 1.0 ounces a day, which means he's right on target.

Dylan is doing a lot of eating, sleeping and now taking a daily iron/vitamin supplement.

Here are some updated pics:

Dylan enjoying his new elephant onesie

The guys in their hats

Prepping to swaddle

Ranger, the ferocious attach dog...

...and even Mom is getting some time on the phone to call back the "millions" of people that continue to reach out to her


Luke said...

What is Ranger "attach"ed to? Also, I am doing my part and putting on over and ounce a day trying to help Dylan out. Tell me when he's good so I can stop eating doughnuts and fried food.

Anonymous said...

OMG He is adorable!! So happy for you know I know a thing or two about early babies - he looks fantastic...much love from the Moran clan....Heather

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